Dear Marshall.
                    Quite an astute observation on your part.  We
determined, some time ago, that colloidal silver is of value in
addressing the "manifested" conditions to which you refer.   The reason
being: all of the "regurgitated samples" we analyzed contained copious
numbers of putrifaction-related bacteria.  Additionally, nearly all
reflected LOW stomach acid percentages----just the opposite of what has
been the conventional wisdom.
                We are, at present, conducting on-going research in this
area and will possess much more definitive data by early next year.  To
date, our most promising results have come from the employment of
digestive enzymes.  I hope to be able to share an abstract of our
results with this list....upon completion of this study..
                                    Sincerely.  Brooks Bradley.
p.s.  We have found that CS is not overly beneficial to a normal,
well-conditioned stomach environment----but is a splendid adjuctive for
one that is "bacterially  compromised" .

Marshall Dudley wrote:

>  Absolutely, with fantastic results.
> My ex-son-in-law and brother-in-law (two different people) cured
> ulcers with CS despite being told by their doctors that they would
> have them the rest of their lives.
> I use it for acid indigestion and acid reflux myself with results
> equal to or better than Pepcid AC and milk.  I have no idea why it
> helps this, but it does.  All I can guess is that bacteria must be
> involved although I don't think the medical profession thinks so.
> However they didn't think bacteria were involved with ulcers either
> till recently.
> Marshall
> guestlodge wrote:
>>  has anyone used colloidal silver to combat heartburn, indigestion,
>> acid felux, etc. ? jack cropp