I've always regarded Thanksgiving and Christmas holidays to be great 
germ-swaps, in which people transmit germs they've become immune to, but 
visiting friends and families from other places have not; sort of like measles 
and the Eskimos. 
That's one reason why I start taking extra silver before, during, and after 
distant visitors.
It's worked here for my family, although this next week will be a test as my 
son and grandson are coming down from Maine with the last vestiges of a local 

Be well,
On Dec 21, 2014, at 6:34 PM, Neville wrote:

> That was interesting Mike.
> I am led to wonder......
> I've been ingesting a small maintenance amount of EIS daily for probly over 
> 10 years now and have not had a cold/flu, however, we went to Melbourne this 
> last June and I came back with a cold/flu?  Both myself AND my wife came down 
> with it (she takes a daily dose as well).
> This leads me to wonder?  Due to population density and ethnic variety in the 
> city as compared to the locale where we live, if in fact those bugs may 
> mutate into a "different?" form of cold/flu bug which we were exposed to, and 
> our immune system didn't cope?  It seems to me that maybe cold/flu bugs could 
> be different dependant on locale or area?  By way of example and simplicity, 
> like mice if you like, you have country mice and city mice, they are both 
> mice but country mice apparently have smaller brains than do city mice.  I 
> wonder if cold/flu bugs could mutate different somehow in densely populated 
> cities with the huge diversity of people, and bug mutations, than the less 
> populated rural areas?
> This may be pure science fiction and the ramblings of an idiot of course, but 
> I do wonder if it's plausible?
> N.
> > Subject: Re: CS>Viral resistance to CS??? I've been watching Sanjay Gupta's
> > From: mdev...@gmail.com
> > To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> > Date: Sun, 21 Dec 2014 11:08:35 -0500
> > 
> > Hi Judy,
> > 
> > Just in case there's any confusion:
> > 
> > Remember that viruses are small molecules of genetic material (DNA or
> > RNA) that have evolved the ability to get into living cells and hijack