DR Richard Becker (Your Health on TV) said if you want to get D3 from  the 
sun, the sun must be above 45 degrees, shower to remove sun  block, wait 
several several hours later to shower as it takes  several hours for your body 
to absorb the D3. If you slather on sun block  sunbathe and then shower 
before leaving the pool you not only have blocked  D3 but wash off any you did 
not block. When I head south for some sun I  limit sun exposure to two hours, 
I threw out my sun block, no after  shower until later. My D3 level just 
checked by the VA is 53. DR Becker said to  try to achieve a 50 to 70 blood 
level. Forget the 450 mg per day the gov't  tells you to take, use a blood 
test. If I start to burn I spray with my EIS  to stop any burn in its tracks. I 
detect burns by a hot tub dip. The hot  water lets me know if any sunburn 
has started. Most sunbathers I see use  sun block and shower off any D3 
before leaving the pool. No wonder their D3  level is low. My skin DR told me 
take a pill instead of laying in the sun, I  asked him how can the vitamin 
people put the sun in a pill?
I have had a skin cancer on top of my ear but black salve from 
_info@quailwoodherbal.com_ (mailto:i...@quailwoodherbal.com)  took  care of it.
  • CS>D3 Brickeyk
    • CS>D3 Brickeyk