Why would you dilute your CS by 100%? Makes no sense to me to dilute something 
that's only 8ppm to (maybe 12ppm) in the first place?. Especially when you're 
drinking it. Nebulizing CS for lung issues; I saturate my full strength CS with 
MSM and add 10% DMSO.. I've yet to have any (lung issues) but other members of 
my family (grandsons, daughter...) have and successfully nebulized it out of 
existence...and it should make you cough. Breathing deep makes more sense than 
sneaking up on it.. Just my opinion...and that's based on me personally taking 
CS several ounces daily for years (somewhere around seventeen). And by daily I 
mean EVERY day... and not for any particular problem...since I do not have any. 
I simply believe in the benefits of CS. I've seen it cure Parvo in dogs, a deep 
seated pocket of bacterial infection from an altercation with a car (the dog, 
not me...) etc. If one does not feel comfortable with this kind of testimony 
one needs to

Uncleben ..