You can get a TDS meter on line for as little as $10. I bought one
and use it to check distilled water before I start a batch and then
ppm when done.
I'm new to this, but from what I've read, maintaining a constant
current is better than a constant voltage. I've used 24, 18 and 12
volt sources the only difference noted was the length of time for
the process to complete. I'm not ready to invest in a constant
current generator yet. Deposits and discoloration of the two anodes
(Wires) is normal, just clean well after use. From what I see on the
forum, the brown stuff is agglomeration. I get it too; it won't go thru
the coffee filter. Hope this helps.

Sent from my iPad

> On Feb 1, 2015, at 12:56 AM, RaVen <> wrote:
> Hi
> From this message with great questions - I have an additional question: how 
> do I measure CS's ppm? 
> RaVen
> On Jan 31, 2015, at 11:14 PM, Floyd Petri <> wrote:
> Hello. I have just made my first batch of colloidal silver with my new 
> machine and I have some questions.
> 1.   The voltage is adjustable from 3.7 – 11.7 VDC. I was surprised that it 
> would not go up to the 32 VDC that I have read about. Do you think that 
> something is wrong?
> 2.   If nothing is wrong, what would be the better voltage to set it at and 
> why?
> 3.   I ran the machine for 2 hours and got 7 ppm. Is that normal?
> 4.   I continued to run it all night (about 14 hours) and got 15 ppm. Is that 
> OK?
> 5.   The negative silver wire is solid black. Is that normal?
> 6.   The positive silver wire was covered with what looked like ¼ inch of 
> brown jelly something? Is that normal?
> 7.   The bottom of the jar was covered completely with about ¼ inch of the 
> same brown what ever? Is that normal?
> 8.   The CS itself is basically clear.
> 9.   I will filter the CS through a coffee filter. Is that right?
> 10.               I am supposed to throw away the first batch. Is that right?
> Floyd
> Floyd
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