Don't be put out or put off at all Floyd, I notice this List or whatever 
controls it is "mislaying?" some posts in recent times.
To answer your question below in a word...NO!  This is the only site I have any 
faith in, and the only people I trust with honest and genuine input - with no 
strings attached or agendas to push.
And you would be right regarding reasons for non response.  If nobody knows an 
answer to a question the question may get ignored, there's a limit to credible 
knowledge regarding EIS/CS.  I have my own thoughts and opinions on some things 
EIS/CS related.  I'm not bashful, only when I don't have a clue for an answer 
to something, other than my opinion and/or personal convictions, any discussion 
is better than none for everyone.  As for nobody caring, that could not be 
further from the truth with the folk here so you can forget about that one as 
quick as you thought of it.
Disclaimer:  All the above is opinion only and not meant to be taken as Gospel 
P.S.  I, too, searched all over the place for the machine you mentioned - and 
came up with zilch?

Date: Sun, 8 Feb 2015 21:12:01 -0600
Subject: CS>Help

This is my 3rd request for help and gave some questions three times. Two people 
tacked a question of their own onto mine and one person asked me some questions 
which I answer. No one has answered any of my questions. Either no one knows 
anything, they are two bashful or no one cares. Either way I am very 
disappointed. So someone answer me this. Is there a better colloidal silver 
making list around anywhere? Floyd 

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