In my case it is "reply" that disappears. If I copy and paste into a new email it always goes. I have thought that it was because I use Thunderbird email client that feeds thru Gmail since Gmail does seem to be unfriendly here as Mike has noted in the past.

Since I do not reply a lot it is not to much to cope with all considered.
This is a "reply". I may have to redo it the hard way.


On 2/15/2015 8:56 AM, Walter Anderson wrote:
FYI that's the same problem I've encountered with email--no bounce, the emails 
just don't make it to the list. - Walter

-----Original Message-----
From: Jason []
Sent: Sun, Feb. 15, 2015 08:29
Subject: Re: CS> Forum

Hi Mike:

I like both formats.

For the most part, I've stopped posting to the silver list because about 70% of 
my emails don't make it.  Furthermore, they don't actually bounce, so the only 
way I know that they don't make it is by checking the archives.

Since they don't actually bounce, this indicates that the eskimo server 
software is no longer very reliable.

You can run your own email list server, complete with your own public archives, 
from your own domain if you ever desire to do so.  One reliable open source 
platform is Mailman GNU.  It is written in Python.

There are different types of people that use mail lists and forums.
Forums are a more affective tool because there is a built in accountability.  
Someone can post a thread with an opinion, and someone else can post 
conflicting information.  Both perspectives are always very visible, allowing 
visitors to draw their own conclusions based on the information presented.  
Thread topics can be hashed over until beat dead, and then the thread locked 
and pinned with a fair representation of each unique perspective.

Once a specific issue has been locked and pinned, you can always reference it 
with a simple html link, saving time... so you can run an email list and a 
forum, and they can work well together.

I had to shut down one forum because spammers couldn't post their spam, but 
they started to flood my server with registrations.  I believe VBulletin does a 
better job with all of this than the free software I was using.

Most spammers are deterred when first posts require moderation, and when one 
must be a member with a post history before allowing html outbound links.


On 2/15/2015 7:55 AM, Rowena wrote:
I like the individual emails. One can move the especially useful ones

The Silver List is a moderated forum for discussing Colloidal Silver.
   Rules and Instructions:


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List Owner: Mike Devour <>

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