Uncle Ben is a straight up curmudgeon. ..one of my favorite people.
 HE's too chaotic for this list, not vice versa.  Too tame over here for

Unfortunately, the originator of the YaHoo list didn't pass on full
function to moderate or alter the settings for the group when she went on
to other things, it's been overwhelmed with porn spam and it can't even be


On Mon, Feb 16, 2015 at 9:46 PM, Debra & David <alch...@kern.com.au> wrote:

> On 17/02/2015 12:26 PM, silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com wrote:
>   Subject:
> CS>Uncle Ben
> From:
> Reece Maxey <ozarko...@att.net> <ozarko...@att.net>
>   Seen a couple of mentions about Uncle Ben. See there is a Ben Taylor
> associated with Utopia Silver.com. Any connection? Opa
> No, not the same Ben.  Uncle Ben was a long time member of the Yahoo
> Silver group. When Yahoo messed up the format about 18 mths ago he, like
> many other members, gave up on it.  Pity he didn't stick around here
> though. He would have been interesting. But I didnt expect him to last long
> here... its too 'chaotic' for want of a better word.
> David