On 19/02/2015 12:38 AM, M.G. Devour wrote:
... whatever platform you choose, I would strongly recommend that
email notifications remain an optional feature. The ideal system will
provide multiple communication methods, in order to reach/satisfy the
largest potential audience.

The largest potential audience is best reached by a having a user friendly forum. Not by having a forum that is stuck in a deep rut due to the inflexibility of a few dwindling members. The growth of vBulletin forums for even the most esoteric subjects should be a lesson here.

(Mike, did you see Uncle Bens comment about why he posted once, then gave up?).

The list serves those who are comfortable with it just fine. I get that.
It is not, however, doing fully what it was intended to do, which is
bring the collective wisdom of our community to new people as well as
foster technical discussions and development.

Sadly the 'collective wisdom' of this community is significantly less than it 
was 10 years ago. So much knowledge has passed through this forum, never to be 
seen again, that it is truly tragic. A couple of days ago I posted a message 
claiming I had discovered how to make crystal clear 200 ppm CS that was 50% 
ionic and 50% colloidal with particles smaller than Mesosilver. 10 years ago 
this would have brought a storm of questions, skepticism and ridicule. Today it 
passed without comment by anyone except Jason.  Earlier in the week Floyd 
couldn't even get an answer to some pretty simple questions about his basic 
system. (My answer never appeared). More time has been spent discussing why he 
didnt get an answer than actually answering him.

Anyway Mike, good luck with the search for a new format but I think you are 
barking up the wrong tree. Despite not having an email digest vBulletin is a 
proven success and has all the features you really need (including pictures!). 
You already have a license so why not give it a try as a parallel forum? If you 
do, my first post on it will be instructions on how to make that 'Super CS' I 
mentioned above.
