Thank you Olushola - spot on - thanks for the reminder !!!!
Attitude is everything !!!
Sandra George
Colloidal Silver Products
Eye Drops & Topical Gel

On 25 Feb 2015, at 17:47, Olushola Camara <> wrote:

On Tue, Feb 24, 2015 at 8:57 AM, sol <> wrote:

 But then what to take for vit C? sol

The following is from a post on 

Synthetic vitamin C ( ascorbic acid ) is woefully incomplete. How many of us 
are taken in by Pfizer's Emergent C or Bronson's cheap ascorbic acid and do not 
even realize that we are being duped by Pharma? Please educate yourself on the 
history of how ascorbic acid, a corn syrup and acid derivative, came to be 
called "Vitamin C ". It was a marketing maneuver facilitated by the FDA, 
motivated by money, not scientific evidence. A sadly familiar story! This fraud 
needs to stop. 

True Vitamin C comes from plants and is much more complex. The other 
constituents such as bioflavanoids like Rutin, Hesperidan and Bromelain are 
essential to health. The body evolved on this, not synthetic corn syrup 
derivatives. A dose of real C stays in your body longer and is orders of 
magnitude more effective. Camu Camu, Amla and Rose Hips are 3 whole food 
sources of vitamin C. The following links will give you more information.

Dried Acerola Cherry and Camu Camu Berry are the best plant derived True Vit C 
supplement sources. makes an 
excellent Acerola powder. Their white papers are outstanding. Raw, finely 
ground, organic food based supplements bottled in amber glass and nitrogen 
evacuated, they are an industry leader in quality yet have one of the lowest 
markups. Anything this company makes walks on water. has Camu Camu powder, 
the best source of C hands down. 

Also Immunologic sells Aloe Ferox which balances the gut with a small dose each 
day, among other benefits it kills parasites, including protozoa and amoebas, 
liver flukes and worms.

Also from

You can grow your own rose.  Buy this specie:  Rosa Rugosa.  It is said to have 
the best rose hips.  Let the plant flower then let the flower dry on the plant, 
just leave it alone and the rose hip would come out.  Harvest when it is red.  
Not cutting the flowers will "tell" your plant not to bloom.  What i do is i 
cut the flowers (dead head is the right term) and when it reblooms they have 
more and that is the time i leave them alone on the plant.  After harvesting 
the hips, dry them, then chop.  Remember heat destroys vitamin C so i don't use 
it as tea.  


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