
I seem to have developed a bacterial infection on my leg and am having somewhat of a quandry in lieu of being able to obtain CS at the moment what to do. I've just made an infusion of herbs and with triple antibiotic salve it should make some kind of impact but I do want to improve my CS making skills and need some input on what to get.

So I've seen this - http://www.ebay.com/itm/GENERATOR-T2-COLLOIDAL-SILVER-SXS-2CV-PRO-KOLLOIDALES-SILBER-GENERATEUR-ARGENT-/221726064065?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_77&hash=item339fe73dc1

Is it worth the money? The puppy didn't seem to resonate with me when I looked at it. I could possibly whip up some CS with my counter-top water distiller and the odd pieces of 99.99 I have lying around for now, but down the road I want to get something a bit less needing of fussing with. Just plug and forget is what I'm after - at a good enough price.

Any thoughts would be very appreciated right now. Just as a side note, my leg is pretty infected from JUST one darn scratch due to itching. I just went bad right away. Been around some nasty vibes in recent times, so it comes as little surprise. Now a regimen of healing is in due order.


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