I and several friends have had great response
with FlexoPlex for joints.....

On Fri, Jul 24, 2015 at 10:54 AM, Patricia <pcassi...@tx.rr.com> wrote:

>  i agree Lola. and  Goat products are digested so differently from
> regular cow products I don't think it applies   just my thought.    Also
> all the amino acids etc you are getting has to be good.
> On 7/24/2015 3:48 PM, Lola Harris wrote:
> Nancy... maybe the warnings apply to commercially prepared milk/dairy
> products. Raw dairy is
> a whole different animal compared to the commercial stuff.  Maybe the raw,
> natural dairy doesn't
> interfere with the CMO?   Is your dairy raw?   Just thinking out loud.
> Lola
>  ----- Original Message -----
> From: Nancy Winiecki <hemna...@yahoo.com> <hemna...@yahoo.com>
> To: silver-list@eskimo.com
> Sent: Fri, 24 Jul 2015 16:36:52 -0400 (EDT)
> Subject: CS>CMO and dairy
>  I injured my knees on several occasions doing heavy yard work,
> especially pulling a cart loaded with branches uphill.   For 21 years I
> have been doing heavy digging, mattocking, and pulling loads, perhaps I
> have been wearing down the cartilage in my knees.  Anyway after the last
> incident I can't bend my R knee but I was using an IR heat lamp and
> magnetic pulser on it and it slowly gets better, but I looked on the
> Silverlist and was reminded about CMO for joints, Cetyl Myristoleate, and
> got some so have been taking and feel like I improve every day.  There are
> always stresses though from what yard work I do, I have 2 acres with
> weeding, watering. etc.  One instruction on diet with CMO says to avoid
> dairy, and I drink goat milk, goat whey, goat cheese and sour cream a lot.
> I've been avoiding it but wonder if it is necessary, since I haven't read
> this anywhere else.
>  <http://www.cmohq.com/page12.html>http://www.cmohq.com/page12.html
>  Has anyone tried this or felt they had good results from CMO while
> comsuming dairy?
>  Nancy