
>The general consensus here on the list is that the TDS meter does not
>measure ppm. Do you feel differently about that?

Yes I agree. I think its very difficult to correlate silver
ions or very small particles with various charge levels
to PPM.  The whole discussion about TDS and PWT
relates mainly to water purity before the process.  The 
meters also work after the process and show change in 
conductivity but what the measurements mean I have 
no idea!

>>BTW, for anyone looking for a great home
>>distiller. I love my stainless steal Mini Classic
>>from the Pure Water Co, of Lincoln , NE.
>>It makes about a gallon in 3.5 hours and is
>>very easy to use.
>Do you happen to have a street address or phone number or e-mail address
>for these people?

Pure Water Inc.
375 Touzalin Ave
Lincoln, NE 68501

The Mini Classic that I have has a
stainless steal boiling chamber. 
Actually, the whole thing is stainless
steal - you could drop a bomb on it.
Not cheap but built to last.

Steve King

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