Thanks for all that info. I would like the idea of that fizzy water bit :-) I 
can imagine all kinds of things I might be drinking. Might make stuff go down 
easier. Bhringaraj powder is not very soluble and MSM is a little better :-) 

harsha godavari 

----- Original Message -----

From: "Jerry Durand" <> 
Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2015 5:18:45 PM 
Subject: Re: CS>Supplements 

BTW, with drinking water and especially for taking pills, we find carbonated 
water works best. We got a carbonator cap that fits a 2 L soda bottle and a CO2 
tank* with regulator. The fizz makes pills go down easier (they don't get stuck 
in dry areas) and we just like the water better. 

We go through a couple of bottles a day and a 5 pound charge of CO2 ($26 with 
tax) will last about 200 bottles. The setup has already paid for itself. 

* Probably have to buy the regulator from a beer supply place, but since you 
normally trade an empty CO2 tank for a full one you might be able to scrounge a 
used one from someone who has it laying around. I got an old, beat up 5 pound 
tank from a guy (free!) and traded it in for a full one for only the $26 
charge. Welding shop CO2 and Paint Ball CO2 is the same CO2 that people buy in 
small tanks at Best Buy for $$$. It all comes from the same place. 

On 11/03/2015 09:03 AM, HARSHA GODAVARI wrote: 

Hi Jerry: 
Nice to hear from you. Agreed that a glass of water is the best way. Couple of 
things I tried are a bit like Buckley's cough syrup. They are hydrophobic or 
have very low solubilty apart from the taste/quantity hence the search for gel 

harsha godavari 
----- Original Message -----

Jerry Durand, Durand Interstellar, Inc. tel: +1 408 
356-3886, USA toll free: 1 866 356-3886