Hi Jeff,

Your story is inspiring! Congratulations! Meanwhile, we need more sockless 
docs: and patient, persistent, determined people like you and your wife are the 
people to create them!

Be well,
On Nov 11, 2015, at 4:16 PM, Jeff wrote:

> Sorry it has taken so long to do this. I was given a lot of useful help and 
> suggestions from here and I wanted to update what we have been doing. As you 
> may remember, my wife has been suffering for almost 3 years with a bladder 
> problem ( that has never been really diagnosed because it doesn’t fit 
> completely into any category ) that has caused her to be in almost constant 
> pain with flare ups of intense pain, frequency with flare ups of having to go 
> every 5 minutes, uncontrolled bladder function, bleeding, we were told the 
> inside of her bladder looked like hamburger meat, she has been on every drug 
> for bladder healing and every antibiotic and had 2 fulgurations after which 
> we were told the bladder would have to be removed. This was on 7-30 of this 
> year and confirmed the end of August at post op visit. After some research 
> and getting advice from the helpful folks here, this is what we did.
> Starting on September 3 I began doing irrigations of CS ( made with silver 
> puppy and run on manual for tow hrs after light goes off. Not sure of the 
> ppm, maybe Ode can weigh in on that ) once a day. I would have preferred more 
> often but this is all we could manage. I won’t go into a lot of details on 
> this because it would make for a very long post.
> We started with 30cc because that was all she could handle and she only held 
> it for 11 minutes.
> After a few days she could hold it for 30 minutes which was our goal
> She was also sitting in a hot tub for 15/20 minutes before the procedure to 
> help relax everything
> We have had our share of failures due to different reasons but we got most of 
> the bugs worked out
> I gradually increased the amount by 10cc a week and it was rough but she 
> fought hard to keep it for 30 min
> Also added 1200mg MSM capsules once a day after the first week
> During the third week I started introducing some DMSO to the CS slowly 
> building up to 2ml
> After 3 weeks she was out of the pain meds she was on and we decided not to 
> refill and see what happens
> She had trouble sleeping for about a 4 days due to not taking one of the meds 
> but pain was bearable
> She would experience involuntary spasms after stopping the muscle relaxer 
> that would push the CS out
> And cause us to fail. I started her on D-Mannose and the spasms stopped.
> That is pretty much our regiment now except we no longer use the hot tub
> We don’t do the procedure on the weekends
> The pain reduced on a daily basis till last Friday when she told me she was 
> pain free
> She has control of her bladder and has no more flare ups or frequency problems
> She is on no medication at all for over a month
> She can take 4oz of CS in her bladder and hold it for 30 minutes no problem ( 
> up from 30cc )
> I can’t seem to break the 4oz barrier for some reason but we don’t see the 
> doc till Feb
> So we will keep plugging away. We are hoping to blow his socks off
> Thanks again for all the help, hopefully more updates to come.
> Jeff