Just wanted to give an update on my wife's bladder. We stopped everything 2
weeks ago. No more irrigations or supplements. She told me she believed she
was cured 100% around the first week of January but we decided to continue
the procedure for another month just to be sure. We didn't quite make it the
full month because we decided to stop the first of February. 


Today we went to see the doc and have a cystoscopy and see what he had to
say. Remember in August we were told her bladder had to come out.


He was ( to use his own words) amazed. Her bladder is healthy, she held the
regular amount of fluid, her flow was tested and was better than normal, and
he admitted we blew his socks off. It was everything we wanted to hear. He
wanted to know how I did it and said I need to find a way to make this
available to others. ( wow I sounded like one of those internet ads on that
last part huh )


He was very impressed and we couldn't be more pleased. Thanks to God, and
everyone here for the helpful suggestions that helped me develop the
protocol that led to this.

And to my wife for volunteering to be the guinea pig for this mad scientist.

