<2wordsproduct...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I need to reverse hyperthyroidism by any means possible - OTHER THAN - 
> medication or surgery.
> Your input for someone suffering pretty badly right now.
> As for why no medication or surgery - liver/kidney issues

Your question suggests the solution to your thyroid problem. If you
concentrate on fixing your liver / kidney issues, you could find that
your thyroid may fix itself. If your liver is backed up with toxic
stuff, it cannot balance your body's metabolism. My own problem is the
opposite to your's, *hypo* (meaning under active) thyroid. Although
your's is *hyper*, the root causes of a malfunctioning thyroid can be

Your query is reasonable. Similar to what I have been researching
since being diagnosed with cardiomyopathy (heart failure) in early
2010. After months of intensive study, my earliest conclusion was that
conventional medicine not only could NOT offer a solution, it didn't
offer even a remote clue as what causes heart failure. The crude
medieval solutions being prescribed by cardiologists threaten more
harm than good. By the end of 2010, I had entirely written off the
heart doctors' crude reductionist nostrums.

Those private conclusions about cardiologists were vindicated when
this news report about a year ago:

Reading the ideas of Ray Peat led to the discoveries of Dr Broda
Barnes who found that all heart problems can be traced to an under
functioning thyroid. That led me to Russell Farris's
Infection-Cortisol Yahoo group and an expatriate goat farmer in
Thailand, who  solved his thyriod issues with Armor dessicated natural
thyroid extract. I tried this for a about a year but it didn't work
for me, possibly for the reason given here by Tom Brimeyer:

"However, it’s important to understand that just because you take
thyroid hormone doesn’t mean that the hormone is getting to your
cells. Thyroid hormone can get blocked many places along this pathway.
For example, most hypothyroid people can’t convert inactive T4 thyroid
hormone to active T3 thyroid hormone that your cells need. Thyroid
hormone can also get blocked in the bloodstream, at the cell receptor,
etc. You can supplement all of the thyroid hormone you want but if you
can’t get the hormone to your cells then you will still be

Next , I found the sensible and practical DrMyhill.com:

Dr Sarah Myhill in the UK specializes in chronic fatigue syndrome
(CFS), a condition which is closely related for hypothyroidism. She
found that daily sweating in an infra red sauna helps the body sweat
out toxins. Ray Peat agrees; he says that a few hundred watts worth of
ordinary incandescent light bulbs do the job. Dr John Harvey Kellog of
Kellog's Cornflakes Battle Creek Sanatorium fame found the same thing.
He summarized his 40 years of medical practice using light bulbs in
"Light Therapeutics", published in 1922, a book which is now a free
download on the internet. A daily session either under the lights or
in the sun (I live near the Equator) is relaxing and invigorating.

As to the liver, there seems to be two essential things we can
immediately do (apart from avoiding toxins such as alcohol and PUFAs -
Poly Unsaturated Fats) . One is start doing a Max Gerson daily coffee
enema, the other is daily yoga to get the lymph fluids moving.  Our
bodies have more lymph fluid that blood; it is a major detox pathway.
Our lymph system has no means of moving the stuff around except
movement and exercise. Some say a daily rebounder works; I like yoga.
- The daily coffee enema thing is a hassle for most people, I need to
post my own quick and easy technique on a health blog, one of these
- I also vigorously brush my dry skin with a rough brush before
showering (twice daily), as that seems to help the body detox. My soap
is home made out of palm oil and coconut oil - i.e. no dodgy
artificial perfumes, surfactants or colorings. A couple of litres of
cooking oil makes a two year supply. Use all soaps and skin
surfactants sparingly.

So by 2012 I was supplementing with a load of stuff suggested by the
Dutchman Willie Witzel, the most important of which seems to be
magnesium and zinc.  Ray Peat had already convinced me to totally stop
all polyunsaturated seed oils such as corn, soy, canola, even flax and
fish oils. Dr William Davis (Wheatbelly) convinces us to stop
consuming all wheat products. That means that just about all packet
processed foods on supermarket selves are off limits.

I then in 2014, I found the ideas of DrLWilson.com  who sensibly
maintains that heavy metal toxicity can be solved by 3 -4 monthly
cycles of hair analysis and his (complicated) nutritional balancing
program. I was on this for a couple of years and it certainly helped
get my waking body temperature halfway up from a low 36 degree Celsius
(= 96.8 degree Fahrenheit) to today's moderately okay 36.6 degree
Celsius (= 97.8 degree) Fahrenheit.

DrLwilson recommends a diet of mostly cooked vegetables and little or
no fruit. His ideas generally make a lot of sense though some of his
pronouncements sometimes seem a bit dogmatic and not fully in
accordance with the ideas of other health practitioners whom I also
respect , such as Chris Kresser, Paul Jaminet and Ray Peat. You will
be well rewarded by browsing through Wilson's clearly written essays
at drlwilcon.com. Wilson is an innovate  thinker.

Ray Peat suggests eating daily a grated raw carrot salad; this helps
sweep clear the gut of unwanted endotoxins and
progesterone/testosterone blocking estrogenic substances. I also try
to remember to do a weekly midnight (i.e. empty stomach) gut cleanout
using a good 2 - 4 grams of activated charcoal.

A year into Dr Wilson's program, I added a daily 20 minute ozone
rectal insufflation using a $25 ozone generator from Aliexpress.com.
(I now own 4 ozone generators but this basic one does the job well
enough.) There is lot of b.s. about "medical grade" ozone on the net.

Between DrLWilson's programs and daily ozone insufflation which one
had the most bearing on the improvement in my thyroid function? I
don't know; I can only tell you what I did.

My most recent improvement in thyroid has resulted in an fairly
consistent morning wakeup body temperature to 36.6 degree Celsius (=
97.88 degree Fahrenheit); it came following the addition of 850nm LLLT
(Low Level Light Therapy) , which I started only 6 months ago. It
involves shining a bank of 48 or 96 IR LED's onto the thyriod, for
about 15 minutes every 2nd day.


Ozone and LLLT both seem to work by boosting the body's production of
cytochrome c oxidase (COX), which seems to be a kind of precurser to
thyriod hormone.
   "Influence of thyroid hormone on the tissue-specific expression of
cytochrome c oxidase isoforms during cardiac development":

As Broda Barnes, said, once the thyriod starts functioning, so too
does the heart. While I'm a long way from the 50km daily bicycle rides
that I did until 2009, I can at least live a reasonably normal life
for a 66 year old.

SUMMARY (This is much the same as a program to prevent cancer.)
1. ELIMINATE TOXINS: Daily IR sauna; 75% cooked vegetables in the
diet; no PUFA rich seed oils or wheat products. Grass fed animal fat,
butter, coconut and olive oil is okay. Palm oil is a third choice. We
eat a lot of Australian or NZ lamb or mutton, all of which is grass

2. FIX LIVER FUNCTION: Yoga or rebounding, daily coffee enemas, liver
healthy diet
45 minutes every second day using this $10 LLLT device helps the liver
repair itself:

possibly ozone as well. Look up the remarkable discoveries of Dr Uri
Oron; I am surprised that he is not more famous.

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