
Raising the source voltage will shorten the time taken to reach the
current limit. After that it has no effect as the voltage will drop as
the resistance of the cell decreases.

I have noticed an extremely bitter taste of some experimental brews
that I stopped generating at 20ppm, but which rose to 50+ ppm after 48
I think it may be due to silver colloids consisting of multi-ion
particles perhaps of greater than plus 1 valency (Ag++ or Ag+++).

Bob Lee may be able to elucidate further.


----- Original Message -----
From: Hutt William J (Bill) DLPC <>
To: <>
Sent: Friday, 5 November 1999 07:58
Subject: RE: CS>Graphs of Concentrations(resp)(resp)

> Ivan,
>    Is there any advantage to raising the source voltage?
> I have noticed a slight bitter taste in my CS sol after about
> 2 days.  Could the bitter taste be from silver which has lost its
charge?  I
> start out at 16VDC and end around 7VDC(system current regulated).
The is no
> visible signs of fall out.  Is it possible that the silver which has
> out is to small to see?
>                             BillH
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ivan Anderson []
> Sent: Thursday, November 04, 1999 1:31 AM
> To:
> Subject: Re: CS>Graphs of Concentrations(resp)(resp)
> Bill,
> It is very reassuring that your results correlate well with my
> admittedly rough graph. Next ones will be more controlled and
> hopefully benefit more listers. Will run 3 x 9v batteries in my
> container and also an 8oz tumbler. Will test the conductivity meter
> also.
> Cheers
> Ivan.
> --
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