Curious - does Silver Colloidal heals EBV? (Epstein Bar Virus?)

It probably can get the silver to where the virus
is...and..if it's not a spooring virus that forms a protective shell around
it while lying dormant.
A virus like Herpes hides dormant in the nerve sheath where silver won't
go...but part of its reproductive life cycle includes hatching out in the
blood stream where silver ZAPS it, BIG time.
So, control isn't too hard, but "CURE" can take quite a while.

If the virus is active and acting on nerve cells themselves, that's a tough
nut to crack.


On Mon, Oct 3, 2016 at 11:07 PM, ASL raVen <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> Curious - does Silver Colloidal heals EBV? (Epstein Bar Virus?)
> RaVen