A*snip from Ode's email*** https://silverpuppy.com/article/tactic-that-worked-for-me* Tactic that worked for me:* Treatment of UTI, obvious clearing of blood in urine, relief of severe burning and pain within 4 hours.
1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of Baking Soda in about 1/2 cup water
Drank it down, waited a few minutes.
Follow that with "Silver Water" ....maybe a cup.Repeat now and then.
**An excerpt from Rowena's document below:*
…it actually will not live in an acid environment. That is why it hides in the mucosal cells lining the gut. I believe it is in part so hard to eradicate as it is hiding in those mucosal cells. The idea of the baking soda which has worked well is to trick the H.pylori into thinking the pH is less acidic so it will come out of hiding and so the other supplements


This is a link to a 2MB document I made out of notes as mentioned in a post I made a little earlier.

I can't send it to you direct and don't like to clog up the silver-list storage, if it would even accept it.

Anyone can download it - it's on my own dropbox - a bit more convenient to read printed out on paper than on screen, I think. But, it's 17 pages of close-fitting type!


On 14/11/2016 4:02 AM, cat4...@aol.com wrote:
Does anyone know if h pylori can be treated without the 20 antibiotics they want me to take?
Thank you