Hi Dave:

Did you ever do anything to try to reduce the coloration?

..and, did you find a suitable protocol to help with your Lyme?


On 2/24/2017 11:20 AM, Da Darrin wrote:
I have a better answer to that than most as I actually turned color from
about a quart a day of 20 ppm for ten years. It started a little before
that but It was getting darker by the day so I quit taking it.
Held Lyme at bay for that long, then after I quit the silver it came
back with a vengeance.


On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 11:00 AM, Lynn Greene <lynngreene...@gmail.com
<mailto:lynngreene...@gmail.com>> wrote:

    Hi Ode. What is the upper limit of CS that we can drink? I don't
    want to turn silver. I saw my first silver person in an airport
    restaurant. We have your excellent puppy.
    thanks. Lynn

    On Fri, Feb 24, 2017 at 3:10 AM, Ode Coyote
    <silverpuppy1...@gmail.com <mailto:silverpuppy1...@gmail.com>> wrote:

        What do "Colloidal Silver Generators" really do?

        Well, most of what you'll "learn" is sales hype or repeated
        ignorance handed down without context...some is even partly true.
        "Technically" an ion is a particle because it has mass and takes
        up space, but the technicality is often used to mislead.

        The silverpups and ALL generators that use electricity and water
        make ONLY ions and  silver ions only come in one size...one atom
        minus an electron.
        Particles form FROM ions later, mostly in the Nernst Diffusion
        layer at the electrode surface/ water interface and according to
        environmental conditions such as concentration.
        If the concentration is higher than the solubility limits of
        silver ions in water,the ion is forced to combine with something
        to make a particle.
        Only those ions that find an electron become "silver" particles.
        Electrons can be picked up at the air/electrode interface and
        from glass acting as a capacitor/ [very inefficient] solar cell
        collecting electro-magnetic radiation. There are no
        "free"electrons in a liquid. only electron imbalances as ions
        and anions.
        Some of the hydroxyl anions OH[-] will combine with  silver ions
        to form a silver hydroxide particle or with dissolved oxygen, to
        form silver oxide....both, byproducts of electrolysis,
        Hydroxyl rich water is also known as "alkaline water"
        If the current is kept low, the oxides and most of the
        hydroxides form and stay on the electrodes where the SWAP
        current reversal phase re-converts most of it back to ionic silver.
        The more particles in a given volume, the higher the odds of
        them growing bigger and they don't come in one size, but ranges
        of sizes with the vast majority of the silver still as ions.
        Current control controls current density on the electrodes and
        keeps that concentration down in the diffusion layer so fewer
        and smaller particles tend to form, but the water itself plays a
        role too and water is highly variable.
        Particle Size

        The machine itself...doesn't make "particles"...at all.

        No generator that uses electricity and water makes "particles"
        AT ALL.

        They make ions and nothing BUT ions and silver ions only come in
        one size or they aren't silver.  No "particle" of silver can
        possibly be smaller.
        A silver ion, by definition: A single atom minus an electron at
        0.000252 microns diameter

        0.000252 microns = 0.252 nanometers

        If anyone answers your question " What size are the particles
        this machine makes? " with a number, they are either liars or
        suffer from ignorance.
        With 85% to 97% of the silver being ionic, smaller than a single
        atom by definition and nothing smaller possible, does it really
        Particles bigger than around a couple of microns settle out, by
        definition, not "colloidal".
        Leave those on the bottom.

        The formation of particles *out of ions* happens within the
        environment which includes many variables.

        The variables that the SilverPuppy machines CAN control are
        controlled, but there are many it can't.

        Further, particles form in size ranges with a distribution of
        many sizes, so one figure just isn't going to describe anything

        When you hear people say their machine makes any given size of
        particle and shows a electron microscope photo of them, it's a
        particle that was made *out of an ion* [ie: silver oxide ] while
        processing the sample for testing and that particle was never in
        the water...nor was it made by the generator.

        On Thu, Feb 23, 2017 at 1:22 PM, Jean Baugh
        <mailto:oldgloryte...@srcaccess.net>> wrote:

            Hi Ode,

            Are you saying there is a better machine to be had?

            Does this have anything to do with the particle size?

            Thank you,



            -------- Original message --------
            From: Ode Coyote <silverpuppy1...@gmail.com
            Date: 2/22/17 10:52 AM (GMT-06:00)
            To: silver-list@eskimo.com <mailto:silver-list@eskimo.com>
            Subject: Re: CS>Re: craig taylor

            EIS is Electrically Isolated Silver..more accurate than
            ionic or colloidal silver as some of each wind up in there.

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 Rules and Instructions: http://www.silverlist.org

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List Owner: Mike Devour <mailto:mdev...@eskimo.com>