Thanks, Lena.  I watch my sugar intake so I don't use honey so much but I've 
been using bee pollen for some time.  Unfortunately a few months ago I stopped 
because I took a hiatus from the protein shake that I used to put it in.  I'm 
thinking that perhaps that is why I'm having such a problem right now.On top of 
everything the 1% hydrocortisone cream has alcohol in it and stings like crazy 
and the only cream I know of that is clear of anything like that has a 
petroleum jelly base. :-(

      From: Lena Guyot <>
 Sent: Tuesday, March 7, 2017 10:31 AM
 Subject: Re: CS>Allergies
Hi PT,
Nothing sure-fire, but I've found very local honey to be helpful; even when 
we've been on the road, in places of new pollens, I track down local honey and 
it has helped.(yet another reason to fight for the welfare of the bees.)
Be well,Léna
On Mar 6, 2017, at 10:22 PM, PT Ferrance wrote:

Hi everyone,Does anyone have a sure fire way of dealing with allergies.  Of all 
the people in my family growing up I was the only one that never had pollen 
allergies but this year has made up for everything!Any suggestions will be much 