No. Lyme was let loose on the grounds of Plum Island by Ernest Traub, a ex-Nazi 
doc who'd been imported to develop bio-weapons to decimate 'enemy' livestock. 
He created a sort of pathogen 'Turducken', arachnid-style. Plum island's just 
off the tip of Long Island, from which deer could easily swim to the mainland 
of CT and migratory birds could carry the ticks on their way along the New 
England coast. 

Lyme (borrelia burgdorferi)  is not the same as the syphilis spirochete, or the 
trichinosis spirochete, and there are many other sprirochete strains as well. 
It was present in the ancient, mummified body of the 'IceMan', Utzi, the hunter 
discovered in the Italian Alps, and Lyme was also identified in autopsies of 
Civil War dead.
The disease we presently call Lyme disease, (never 'Lymes'; ignore people who 
call it that, if they don't even know this basic thing)  was named after the CT 
community of Old Lyme, where some observant mothers first compared notes about 
some disturbing symptoms in their children that were baffling doctors. I was 
bitten by a tick on Nantucket Island in 1961 (bull's eye rash on back of neck) 
decades before this shape-shifting disease was recognized anywhere or any 
medical remedies were even imagined. The doc dxing my case more than 40 years 
later identified its many co-infections as the signature of the Plum Island, 
weaponized Lyme variety.

Be well,

On May 4, 2017, at 5:47 PM, Jean Baugh wrote:

> Since Lyme was developed as a bio weapon, let loose on purpose in Lyme, CT, 
> syphilis spirochete used to make this now world wide epidemic, contagious it 
> is said in every way you can imagine, they don’t want to talk about it.  
> Malaria is also a spirochete and is reported to be cured with Artemisia 
> (sweet wormwood), the inference seems to be that perhaps Lyme can also be 
> cured.
> Jean
> *************************
> I was sent to a link for a product called 
> Argentyn 23 made by 
> Allergy Research Group Natural-Immunogenic with rave reviews and a hefty 
> price. I was informed by the person who sent me the link that this was the 
> only effective CS in treating/curing Lymes.
> Your thoughts please.
> Thank you - Joy 