PT interesting - firstly what other list is K2 discussed on ?      A friend of 
mine who I suggested use K2 got the same brand that you are taking - this is 
all new to me and so very interesting, seeing as how I was born with rickets 
which is lack of calcium in the bones, as you probably already know,  slept in 
splints until I was four, up side today I have very straight legs everyone 
comments on them !!!!    There is never anything that is all right or all 
wrong, balance is the key !!!!!      I think the switch in my brain never came 
on which is why I have had calcium in my blood stream before, I was diagnosed 
with osteoporosis some 20 years ago - had 21 bottles of IV chelation which got 
rid of it, because I went back to the same doc who diagnosed the osteo, 6 
months after having had the drip, and there was no sign of it - in fact he 
called the technician to come and check the machine - so today I have the same 
thing again, in this case a thing called High Blood Pressure - so I am sure, 
not having taken a test to prove the point, that we are at the starting gate 
again!!!!    So instead of chelation this time we will use the K2 and I am sure 
it will do the trick before I depart !!!!!    My doc who gave me the chelation 
is no longer practicing as he is now over 80 years old, so I am up a tree with 
no limbs to hang on to except the K2 !!!
Peace, love and hugs 
Sandee 🐬
Attitude is everything !!
Producer of Colloidal Silver 
Eye drops & Topical Gel