Dear  Itguy,

Thanks so very much for going out of your way to help us.

You bring very good news indeed.

In gratitude,


On 23 May 2017 at 14:52, Itguy wrote about :
Subject : Re: CS>Mike Devour not answering

I drove over to Mikes house today during my lunch break.

I'm happy to report Mike is well. In fact, he is better than well. He's fully 
conquered his health
issues and really looks like a new man. He's trimmed down his weight and seems 
to have a lot
of good energy about him. We spoke for about an hour regarding various things 
and catching up
on the old times.

Mike told me to tell everyone he's sorry he has neglected the list. He's been 
involved with other
projects and has gotten way behind on keeping up with the various lists he runs 
and email
correspondence. He'll work on getting things in order. He said he didn't 
recognize Nenah's
number so he didn't answer the phone thinking it was a call spammer or 

All is well!


On Mon, May 22, 2017, at 05:55 PM, Tony Moody wrote:
    Hallo Folks,

    Mikes Devour, owner of the silver List, mailbox is full, he hasn't answered 
recent email.
    Support at  say that his phone rings but there is a generic 
answering machine
    message. He lives in south east Michigan according to his page

    Is there anyone in the area who could try to get something more definite?
    I can't be of much help because I'm round the other side of the world and 9 
hours earlier
    than you in USA.

    Tony Moody