Unfortunately I cannot offer any further assistance. 

Mike doesn't have any willingness to manage the list any longer. After I
explained to him the concerns from list members and the need for him to
admin the list he said for now he will keep paying the bills but can't
many any further promises. I told him I would advise that he simply
delete his entire inbox at his email address and start anew. He's too
far behind to even attempt to parse through what may amount to multiple
thousands of emails after many years of neglect. Then once deleted he
can 'keep up' by checking his list and inbox a couple of times a week...
It's been nearly 2 weeks since I made my wellness trip to his home and
he hasn't checked his email to cleaned out the box, it's still filled
up. I don't think he took my advice. Mike uses Gmail now but didn't
provide me with that address so I have no way to reach him other than
his cell phone number. (should he answer) To be honest, I suspect Mike
isn't even involved with CS any longer.
All I can say at this point is there isn't anything you can do about
this list other than to let it deprecate and possibly manually move
people to a new list. Sorry I cannot be of further help.

On Mon, May 29, 2017, at 03:29 AM, Tony Moody wrote:
> Yes Debbie,
> Last week "itguy' drove around and had a chat to him. It is worth
> copying here>> 
> " I drove over to Mikes house today during my lunch break.
> I'm happy to report Mike is well. In fact, he is better than well.
> He's fully conquered his health issues and really looks like a new
> man. He's trimmed down his weight and seems to have a lot of good
> energy about him. We spoke for about an hour regarding various things
> and catching up on the old times.> 
> Mike told me to tell everyone he's sorry he has neglected the list.
> He's been involved with other projects and has gotten way behind on
> keeping up with the various lists he runs and email correspondence.
> He'll work on getting things in order. He said he didn't recognize
> Nenah's number so he didn't answer the phone thinking it was a call
> spammer or something.> 
> All is well!
> --
>   Itguy
>   it...@fastmail.com   "
> On 29 May 2017 at 3:18, Deborah Gerard wrote about :
> Subject : Re: CS>Silver chewing gum?
> Did anyone hear from Mike?
> Thanks much,
> Debbie