Try boosting your PPI threshold via Emodin.

I strongly encourage you to buy a couple bottles of this;

Min Shan is the best brand, these have a pretty substantial amount of
emodin in them. Start out with 8 tea pills 3 times a day. Once you see
your phobias abating, you can trim down to a maintenance dose. If it
works, and this is your issue, your PPI will be pushed back up and you
will be cured.

On Wed, Jun 7, 2017, at 03:03 PM, RaVen Sequoia wrote:
> Thanks for the informative bit on a helpful remedy for anxiety. Due to
> Hashimoto's Thyroid disease - about 4 years ago, I developed a physical
> panic attacks whenever driving on congested highways. Doctors and
> acupuncture and homeopathic specialists could not help me. 
> As a Deaf individual, I wonder what else could be triggering my system -
> as I tried to eat a gluten-free, soy-free, white-sugar free diet.  I seem
> to only can drive on huge highways (5 to 7 lanes type that goes 70 mph)
> at midnight when there's no traffic. I don't have anxiety attack for
> anything else. I hope to find a cure for this maddening phobia I suddenly
> developed as I hate losing my independence to travel! 
> RaVen 
> > On Jun 7, 2017, at 1:38 PM, Itguy <> wrote:
> > 
> > The root of many panic/anxiety disorders is a malfunction of the PPI
> > (Pre-Pulse Inhibitor) aspect of the inner ear. The inner ear has been
> > labeled as an 'archaic brain' by some and is very very important in many
> > functions of our body/mind.
> > 
> > The PPI by design has a threshold to where it 'filters' extraneous
> > external stimuli. This function is to keep excess noise and stimulus
> > from reaching the brain and overloading it with stimuli to the point the
> > brain becomes confused (and panics), sometimes this results in psychosis
> > if the stimuli reaches a high threshold.
> > 
> > The PPI threshold is genetically set to a level that will filter out
> > enough to keep the brain from being overloaded. Sometimes this system
> > short circuits itself for whatever reason.. Toxins, trauma, excessive
> > stress, inflammation, infections, poor diet, vitamin/mineral
> > deficiencies, heavy metals, etc. When this system for whatever reason
> > short circuits the PPI threshold is lowered and extraneous stimuli is
> > allowed to reach the primary brain causing an internal yet unqualified
> > 'panic' or 'anxiety'. If this continues it creates a cortisol dump
> > (fight or flight) in the body, eventually adrenal fatigue and ultimately
> > adrenal failure etc. At some point along that line a mental illness
> > diagnosis came come up..  But it's really a physical issue rather than a
> > mental issue and it can be rapidly corrected using a variety of methods
> > I have discovered will correct it.
> > 
> > Later in my research I found a huge number of mind control techniques
> > and technologies relied on the PPI of the victim to be low enough so
> > they can infiltrate their 'generated' external stimuli and cause the
> > brain to enter a perpetual panic/anxiety mode. If lowered far enough
> > external stimuli can be taken from random noise to actual voices sent in
> > a variety of forms (that's another topic). Targeted people, famous or
> > otherwise can be triggered into a perpetual panic/anxiety mode, loss of
> > sleep results, the goal is suppression and if necessary to trigger a
> > psychiatric diagnosis to discredit them. Further action can be
> > implemented to ruin someones reality and if needed, trigger suicide. 
> > There have been numerous cases of people targeted like this over the
> > years, such as the Bush Era defense secretary found 'confused' wandering
> > the streets, then later he turned up in a landfill with the thought he
> > committed suicide. (just one example) Sometimes they can combine the PPI
> > factor with local supporting action such as boilerplating, or
> > infiltrating your home to change the brand of your toothpaste, etc. All
> > with the end goal of getting your a psychiatric verdict pinned to your
> > record OR to trigger suicidal tendencies, and if you don't kill yourself
> > they can assist in staging it for you with supporting evidence you
> > 'weren't right'..  The founder of Webroot Antivirus was targeted in this
> > manner, research it..
> > 
> > The cure I found, which has a 100% cure rate of any mind control victim
> > I have had follow it involves working the PPI mechanism up so your brain
> > will summarily IGNORE all external mind control/suggestive technologies.
> > The skull is a wonderful thing, it's also wonderful for blocking most of
> > their effective methods.. The ear isn't so well protected. The cure
> > involves rapidly increasing your PPI threshold. This also has the effect
> > of curing MOST panic/anxiety/phobia based issues. Emodin is a wonderful
> > substance, available in supplements, in food, etc.. Traditional Chinese
> > Medicine Remedy - An Shen Bu Xin Wan contains a LOT of emodin and will
> > often have near immediate improvement/reduction of symptoms (48 hours
> > usually, but less than 7 days).. Google Emodin to find things with high
> > concentrations of it, or find a supplement with it. I keep An Shen Bu
> > Xin Wan on hand at all times to 'spot cure' mind control or anxiety for
> > people. The book I referenced where a doctor discovered the similar
> > thing I did - he used Benedryl in the short term.. Benedryl has been
> > shown to raise the PPI threshold almost immediately, but it is very
> > short term.. Someone undergoing mind control or having anxiety/panic can
> > take Benedryl symptomatically.  But the real answer is to get your PPI
> > up.. A healthy diet, lots of emodin, fresh water, detoxification, etc.
> > Avoidance of fluoride and other chemicals is very helpful. If they can't
> > saturate your archaic brain/inner ear with stimuli that will bypass the
> > threshold then their chances of impacting you are much much lower.
> > 
> > I was the first person - almost 11 years ago - to discover this link 
> > between PPI and common mind control techniques. However many have stolen
> > my research or republished my data without my permission. I don't mind
> > this - the more people that know it the better.. But AT LEAST state
> > where or whom you got the information from.. LOL! This person, word for
> > word, copied my information on Emodin and Mind Control. This person left
> > out sources and merely called me 'A few doctors have done research to
> > identify"... Oh well, at least it's out there and it should be out there
> > if it wasn't suppressed information. In the past I have tried to spread
> > it to wider audiences but quickly realized there is an entire agenda to
> > keep this stuff quiet.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Good luck.
> > 
> > 
> >> On Wed, Jun 7, 2017, at 10:59 AM, Rowena wrote:
> >> 
> >> 
> >> I also am very interested in this topic and am following it.  I have
> >> changed the header away from Mike is well (good!) to Emodin to make it
> >> easier for me and whoever else to follow the topic.  There is
> >> interesting information on line about it. It would be nice to have it
> >> tidily in one spot before moving on!
> >> Rowena
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
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