So..ionic silver enters a cell, reacts with selenium and mercury and can't
get out...while "colloidal" silver releases ions [which enter cells] but
DON'T react with selenium and mercury????

Good news!  Mercury has no effect on pure metallic [colloidal] silver!
[NOT]  ..can you say  *silver amalgam tooth filling*?

Selenium is the chelating agent that the metallo transport protein uses to
control  copper levels, eliminate silver..and maybe mercury as well?
If the silver DOESN'T react with Selenium.....?  [not good]

Pure silver isn't yellow or brown..silver oxides are.

...not to say that silver oxides don't work.

What does Hydrogen Peroxide do to this reduced product?


On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 11:51 PM, Dan Nave <> wrote:

> Any comments on these videos fro Earth Clinic regarding Colloidal and
> Ionic Silver?  She sounds a bit strange, so you don't need to comment on
> that...
> They recommend only true Colloidal Silver.  They make theirs, as shown in
> these videos, by adding washing soda as an electrolyte and reducing to
> colloidal with Karo syrup (both very diluted, of course).
> <>
> <>
> Dan