If you don't mind me saying something here?

I made my unit using banana plugs so I can remove the electrodes from the unit 
so it's easier to transport around, fits easier to put into a bag or something 
while transporting it with me.


From: Nenah Sylver <nenah12egro...@cox.net>
Sent: Saturday, 3 March 2018 5:51 AM
To: silver-list@eskimo.com
Subject: CS>carrying a CS generator on a plane

Reid wrote:  A friend is traveling to Africa with a CS generator or two and I 
wonder which is the preferable way of carrying this... carry on or checked 
baggage.  My thought has been that when some official (officious official) has 
questions, these could be answered, while with checked baggage removing this 
would be more arbitrary.  Any opinions?  Thanks!



I would carry it on with me, because anyone who doesn’t know what it is could 
remove it from the luggage. (There have been reports of thefts on airlines, 
anyway, so anything valuable I would keep with me.) I would simply explain that 
it’s a portable, battery-operated generator to mineralize the water. This is 
the truth.


Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health

now in all formats: hardcover, ebook for Mac, Kindle, iPad, Android

DVDs of 2016 Rife and Electromedicine Conference Available NOW
