It's funny isn't it, all those so called 'Academics', the Medical Fraternity, 
the WHO, the AMA, the Pharmaceutical Industry and all the other white coats put 
fancy names/numbers blah blah on their next best treatment to keep that money 
wheel turning into more billions, and expecting people to keep throwing money 
at them, when *some* of the people have actually read material way before these 
idiots new how silver works.  Bjorn Nordenstrom, Dr Robert O Becker, Royal 
Rife, Henry Crooks and other past researches who are now dead, and forgotten, 
to name a few. It's such a HUGE finance Industry supporting thousands of people 
around this planet turning billions of dollars to keep Cancer 'treatments' 
going, and they have the audacity to keep standing on street corners holding a 
hat out trying to entice people to toss money into it.  Their is not one 
researcher alive on this planet who actually is able/allowed to find *TRUE 
CURES* for Cancer due to someone else's agenda.  But that's Capitalism I guess, 
it's all about the money, not about the people, never has been.

From: Sandee George <>
Sent: Wednesday, 18 April 2018 6:06 AM
To: Mike Devour - Silver List
Subject: CS>Fwd: 15 April - Article on Colloidal Silver

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