Also take a look at
" Unlike conventional skin-cancer treatment, which usually involves
surgery, the eggplant-extract (BEC and BEC5) cream leaves no scarring or
visible signs of a tumor or lesion. Plus, it’s exceptionally safe, kills
only cancerous cells and leaves healthy cells untouched. It causes only
minor side effects, such as itching and burning at the site. "


On Mon, Jul 2, 2018 at 8:18 AM, Neville <> wrote:

> Several months ago I wanted to get some response to a question about Basal
> Cell Carcinoma on the bridge on the nose.  Well, no answer was the
> response.  Only one response, forget who it was, but basically said without
> having a Biopsy I would have no idea if it was a BCC.  Since then a Biopsy
> was done, identified as BCC.
> The person in questions had a skin graft on the nose last week, spoke to
> the surgeon today to get the stitches out and spoke about the report from
> another biopsy done on the piece of meat from being removed.
> I asked the question today regarding...(1) Did it contain cancerous cells,
> (2) Were the offending cells still live, (3) dying, or (4) in fact dead?
> He could not answer, only to say it *did* contained cancer cells.  He
> explained they had no idea if the cells were alive or dying due to
> laboratory testing kills cells anyway, perhaps 'staining' the meat to
> enable cancer cells to be visible.   Hmmm, not much help to me, but, the
> nose was slowly being eaten away, put home made silver on it several times
> each day for a few months under a bandaid, then since the last 2-3 months
> the eating of the meat stopped and appeared to be completely clear, (it was
> an open wound originally) only left with a 'dent' on the nose.
> I was not able to ascertain the fact that the cancer was stopped, of
> course I could not speak about my treatment, professionals here won't speak
> of it anyway, mainly because they would not hear of any 'quackery' outside
> of mainstream.  He said BCC's *could* still be underneath the 'skin', to
> which I asked if there would be any witness marks or indicators the cancer
> was still growing under the skin, he said it could still be there, but
> could not answer if some witness marks indicating growing of the cancer.
> Hmmm, again, that wasn't helpful either?
> I am now forced to believe the silver actually killed the BCC, due to the
> fact that the meat had stopped being eaten away about 2 months or so ago.
> Nothing else was spoken about, so I am confident, in the light of the fact
> that no answers was forthcoming today, the BCC was killed about 2-3 months
> ago, by my silver.
> If anyone can contradict my supposition, or give me better information on
> BCC's I am willing to hear it.
> N.