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The use of colloidal silver as a topical antiseptic and general health aide has 
gained a considerable degree of acceptance in the past few years. When someone 
mentions the use of colloidal silver on a health forum, we no longer see the 
immediate cacophony of blue man, silver is toxic, Rosemary Jacobs and so forth. 
For those of us who have attempted to encourage the use of silver instead of 
antibiotics should be inspired by this. Unfortunately, the Internet and sites 
such as eBay and Amazon provide an opportunity for those who either don't know 
or don't care about how to make colloidal or ionic silver properly. There is a 
seller on eBay:

This guy is selling a "colloidal silver generator" for $9.97. eBay says he has 
sold 740 of these units. The kit consists of one thin strip of silver. He 
instructs people to use a stainless steel bowl and hook up the positive 
terminal of the battery array to the silver strip and the negative of the 
battery to the stainless steel bowl. There is nothing in his system to prevent 
people from hooking up positive to the steel bowl and negative to the silver. 
Even if everyone would read the instructions, which anyone in business will 
tell you is not the usual case, a significant portion of the customers will, at 
some point, do the opposite. Then they will start making colloidal "God knows 
what." That will cause those who ingest what they have made real problems. I 
have no doubt that among those 740 people who have bought this unit, there are 
those who have done themselves actual harm. What is in stainless steel?
Basic Ingredients in Stainless Steel
Iron - Very strong, very corrosive. ...
Chromium - Highly non-corrosive. ...
Nickel - Soft, some corrosion resistance. ...
Manganese - Binds steel alloys together, reducing brittleness and cracking.
Copper - Soft, conducts heat and electricity. ...
Carbon - Strong, corrosive."
I reported the item to eBay as a "Prohibited and restricted items."
Today I came across a 1-gallon unit using the same method:
it gives the same instructions, and I quote:
"One Gallon-Sized Stainless Steel Bowl - Make Sure It's Big Enough To Put Your 
Distilled Water In!
3 9-volt Batteries, or a 20-30 volt Power Supply - Connect The Positive End To 
The Silver, and The Negative End To The Bowl."
There is nothing here to prevent the user from connecting the positive battery 
terminal to the metal bowl and the negative terminal to the silver strip. When 
this is done, and it will be. Colloidal and ionic compounds will be entered 
into solution in the water, but they will be anything but silver. And they will 
be harmful. I'm sure there will be people who will use an aluminum bowl as well.
Anyone with any experience in designing user interfaces will tell you that 
people just don't pay attention to instructions, period. The readers of this 
thread have educated themselves regarding colloidal silver to the extent that 
they would not be endangered by this product offering.
One reply to the "depraved indifference" thread was: 
"Perhaps the eBay seller is an agent of big pharma trying to muddy the waters. 
There is a group of people who operate that way......."
I can imagine the following scenario. The seller claims he has sold over 1000 
of these units on eBay. If this is so, I am sure that hundreds of people have 
already injured themselves to some extent. Enter hungry lawyers. Class-action 
lawsuits. The injunction to reveal the names and addresses of customers of 
these units. Pet owners sue on behalf of their cats and dogs. The entrance of 
FDA to save the health and well-being of the poor, bewildered and confused 
consumers. A ban on all colloidal silver preparations and paraphernalia the 
manufacturer ups such. While I might appear to be waxing lyrical on this 
matter, I can tell you that Atlasnova has customers in the EU who have asked us 
not to mention colloidal silver in the documentation for customs purposes.