Here I present the modern pioneer of PEMF (Pulsed Electro Magnetic Force) in 
practice and in theory: Dr  Robert O. Becker -- Some will know of him well . . .

I wrote this to a friend of mine and thought there will be SilverListers and 
others who might be interested . . .

His books "the Body Electric and Cross Currents" -- I've owned these for 16 

His son Paul Becker runs a commercial outfit: <> one of the major 
articles is the following < Brainwave Entrainment most effective with Magnetic 
Field Therapy>, etc etc....lots of other good stuff, not cheap but effective !!

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Brainwave Entrainment most effective with Magnetic Field Therapy

Brainwaves, brainwave entrainment - benefits and uses, & how magnetic field 
therapy is the most effective brainw...



I'm in my 70's, and use pulsed magnetism almost every day, on my hands, hips, 
even my prostate. Effective for many conditions, does no harm to try, even on 
the Skull/BRAIN. . . .

Becker's major discovery (by trade he was a bone doctor), Orthopedic 
Specialist, and pioneered the use of very thin Silver Ion Anodes with a small 
current/voltage between broken bones that failed to heal long term. This 
technique sintered silver ions into the wound/break with healing effects.

The Paul Becker website above and I have no commercial interest,(Robert's son) 
site has some very good information and their units are probably very effective 
health wise . . . R O Becker discovered that silver promotes Stem Cells, these 
are needed to heal anything !!!

His work/application of silver led to bandages being coated with silver and 
this revolutionised the successful treatment of burn victims. Again the silver 
promotes Stem Cells etc... shades of a "Colloid of SILVER", I make CS in 5 
litre lots, use it every day . . . "Ole Bob" Berger built my generator, may he 
rest in peace . . .

Get with it and be well, I've used pulsers now for 19 years, prefer the Sota 
unit, (very reliable people) have worn out two, onto my third and also have a 
model made in Australia, a small jumbo unit . . .
In SILvation,  and may the PEMF "Force be with YOU" (Pulsed Electro Magnetic 
Force)  --  DH