
>As Bill says, a reaction with ascorbic acid says nothing about CS
>stability with acidic solutions in general. Didn't someone say
>recently they were having trouble getting a reaction with CS and
>strong Nitric acid?
>The stomach actually contains little hydrochloric acid between meals
>(otherwise it would eat the stomach wall tissue). HCl is manufactured
>in response to ingestion and is neutralised after its work has been
>Here's the rub,does ingested colloidal silver work or not? If so, what
>is the problem? If not, there is a lot of positive belief about.

I'm not trying to say that CS doesn't work when taken
orally! I'm just trying to understand how CS ingestion
can be optimised given that the stomach is basically an
acid bath for food. Fruit goes through the stomach
very fast but things like milk and meat and fats can
stay in the stomach for hours and hours. I think its
fair to say that most of us have food in our stomachs
most of the time during the day unless we miss a
meal or eat a very light vegan/vegetarian diet.
What I don't know is the PH of a full or partially
full stomach.

Maybe most of the CS absorption takes place before
the stomach?

What I'm doing now is taking a glass of water with
a small amount (eg, 1 gram) of baking soda a few
minute before I take the silver.

The other point you raised about different types
of acids is very good. I only know that ascorbic
acid destroys CS or at least causes violent

Best, Steve King

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