Really? Virons attach to red blood cells?  This somehow does not seem real
to me.  I need to see a lot more before I will accept.

James Osbourne Holmes
a/k/a *Red Pill Media*
The American States Assembly
The New Mexico  Assembly Deputy Coordinator
The Santa Fe County  Assembly Coordinator
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On Sat, Feb 22, 2020 at 6:23 PM Karl Becker <> wrote:

> Interview with Dr Gordon Pedersen
> So would making colloidal silver and then structuring the colloidal
> solution using the frequency of silver achieve the same result as using a
> high gauss PEMF coil with a high voltage 10KV pulses except it would take
> much longer? The resonant frequency of silver can be calculated from its
> molecular weight
> Silver molecular weight = 107.87
> Mass to frequency conversion can be found on this site. You will need
> Excel to view calculator spreadsheet.
> subharmonics for silver:
> 42146872.25, 21073436.13
> 5268359.03, 2634179.52
> The following frequency generators can be used with Spooky2 PEMF coil.
> Spooky2 software is license free and runs on Windows XP-10.
> Spooky2 GeneratorX has a recommended upper working frequency of 40MHz.
> Spooky2 XM Generator has a recommended upper working frequency of 5MHz.
> Spooky2 has a PEMF coil that can connect to either generator. You just
> need to sit your colloidal silver on top of the PEMF coil.
> Spooky2 XM generator US$100.00 and Spooky2 PEMF coil US$20.00
> Spooky2 software has colloidal silver calculator/program for making
> colloidal silver.
> Spooky2 software also has a molecular weight (MW) program for silver in
> its MW database.
> You can use PH test strips to check PH of water is about 7.4 prior to
> making colloidal silver.
> Please note that I haven't personally tested whether this method will
> produce the same results as claimed by Dr Gordon and his structured silver
> product.