Lady I am no expert but I can not imagine not knowing how to work a Silver 
Puppy with a power supply that plugs into the wall and into the Silver Puppy. 
So I am going to assume that your problem is the water. It is not really a too 
high or too low of a water level because only the CS is made with what element 
is in the water. So I am going to use the S.W.A.G. system to answer your 
question. That stands for Scientific Wild Ass Guess. I think your problem might 
be that you forgot to use distilled water. If you use regular tap water it has 
minerals in it and will short out the process. May even damage your power 
supply. Some distilled water is not pure enough and still has minerals in it 
and won’t work. That is why your little tester should be put into the water and 
it should read “0” zero before you begin. Hope this helps.




From: Williams <> 
Sent: Thursday, March 12, 2020 8:41 PM
Subject: CS>Making CS



HELP!!   Is there anyone in the New York City area with a Silver Puppy that can 
help me get mine going????  Had it two years and have made only made two 
batches.   Don't even know how I did it.   The problem is the level of the 
water-- too high  too low?    But still can't seem to do what everyone else 
does with ease … Make CS in the Silver Puppy.  Gladys