OK, I've got a question.  This Corona thing is apparently gram negative, I know 
it's a version of the Flu, just with a twist in its tail, therefore, we know 
our product is electrically positively charged, so, positive and negatives 
attract, so my question is, has anyone have any indication as to why our silver 
will not take the Corona out.  I know the Establishment will not be looking at 
it, for obvious reasons, but I can't see why our stuff would not work, in 
conjunction with a Nebulise?  This Corona is predominantly a respiratory issue.

I'm not going to go into details of my suppositions or conspiracy theories of 
which why think this thing raised its ugly head so recent.  I'm just asking a 
simple question.

I am not concerned at all about this Corona thing by the way, I have my product 
and a Nebuliser, I'm well armed because I believe our stuff would kill it.

Any opinions, good or bad, welcome of why our stuff wouldn't kill it?
