The following information is from the Facebook Magnesium Advocacy Group

Copper drives 30+ enzymes that are essential to our day-to-day life. There
are 150-200 methyltransferase enzymes that run our methylation pathway, and
thus the genetic machinery of our cells. These methyltransferase enzymes
are copper dependent. When there is a copper deficiency the above enzymes
simply do NOT work. Also the copper most be bioavailable (from food
sources, not supplements) in order for it  to be bonded with the
ceruloplasmin. Think of ceruloplasmin as a transport mechanism that
shuttles copper and iron throughout the blood. I really don't know if
colloidal copper can be bonded to the ceruloplasmin; or like most isolates
, just drops and accumulates in the tissues.

Also the Chinese are using vitamin C (probably ascorbic acid) as one of
their treatment protocols.whole food C, not ascorbic acid, is required to
make ceruloplasmin ferroxidase (enzyme), which regulates both copper and
iron. The whole food C molecule contains the tyrosinase enzyme with copper
at its core and 95% of the whole food C is stored in the adrenals, and it's
the adrenals that direct the liver to make ceruloplasmin.

According to the Magnesium Advocacy Group ascorbic acid is only the outer
shell of the vitamin C molecule. Avoid ascorbic acid, ascorbates, citric
acid, citrates which damage the copper/ceruloplasmin bond. But then again
great results have been achieved with ascorbic acid. Personally I prefer to
eat what mother nature designed.


On Fri, Mar 20, 2020 at 11:10 AM PT Ferrance <> wrote:

> I keep reading about the benefits of copper in killing the virus..... that
> it kills on contact.
> How do we make colloidal copper for wiping down counters and things like
> that?  I don't want to use my silver because I can ingest it and I wouldn't
> do that necessarily with copper.
> Thanks.
> PT