Reid, thanks for the question and the great articles and their URL's

Here, "Just my opinion":
I've been making "Non NANO Particle CS" for 20 years...have nebulized this now 
for 15 years...

I don't consume NANO CS at all. too expensive to buy...not sure how to set-up 
such a Nano fine-process up anyway...

I'm not worrying, so far in my 70's -- will continue to use CS in my nebuliser 
-- what choice do we ahve in this "AGE of Corona Virus"....
Just don't OVERDO it...the safety factor signal is the Silver (ARGYRIA), Skin 
Greying (not fatal!) from using too much....I'm sure this creeps up and taken 
with some care, can be avoided...happens because people were using salt or non 
distilled water, that's my take on it...the cases that over the years ahve been 
given publicity on the WWW to some degree were "suspect" were were never really 
explained in technical detail, "how actually good or bad the process used 
was...water ppm, voltage, milli-amps, silver content of wires...and so on or 
the older cases were caused by doctor  "prescribed silver Powdered" 

I use distilled water at 1 or 2 PPM, stop my CS process at 12-14 ppm -- 
constantly monitor the milli-amps...this is an accurate measurement of whats 
going on in your electrolysis...use an amp meter in the circuit of the the 
process --- I ahve 6 anodes / 6 cathodes silver wire...make 5 to 7 litres in 75 
 to 100 minutes....I STIR constantly with a small voltage motor in the 
circuit/set-up -- the STIRRING ensures and avoids "clumping", keep the CS 
particles moving/circulating, being repelled from each other with their 
"Brownian Movement/affect" I believe ...

My unit was made by "Ole Bob Berger" RIP... 16 years ago, the wires still have 
50% in them ...

Just my humble opinion...Ole Bob did write a thin technical BOOK, and described 
his processes indetail (he had been a Power Generating  Engineer) and had 
worked aroundSouth America, US trained etc...I have a copy somewhere...I tried 
to buy the rights from the family, they refused and nothing became of Bob's 
book I believe...

in SILvation, DH

    On Sunday, 29 March 2020, 3:07:44 am AEDT, Reid Harvey 
<> wrote:  
 Silverlisters one and all, 
Can someone please help me critique the article of this link?  I'm keen that 
family should be confident in CS and any research leads would help.  As I've 
told them, the salient research seems to have been prior to 1950 or so, 
therefore not online.
What about the reliability of the article of this link?