Yesterday my appointment with the dental hygienist went very well.  After
she started, I asked her, on a scale of 1 to 10, what my plaque was.  She
never quite answered this but did say it was vastly better.

What I have begun to do in the last few months, every time after I eat, is
swish with a small amount of CS and swallow.  I'm sure water would do well

No cavities, no problems, cleaning went like a breeze.

What I do is drink 2 oz of Colloidal Silver a day to help with everything
bacterial or viral, and swish my mouth while I'm at it, and drink it.

I brush my teeth by rinsing with 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide, spit,
then brush with my toothbrush that was sitting in a small jar of CS, spit,
then rinse again with hydrogen peroxide, spit.

I think the next cleaning will be much better!
