
I would like to warn people to be on the alert for doctors who still
prescribe CIPRO (an antibiotic derived from fluoride).  I was greatly
harmed by this one and am currently taking homeopathic remedies years after
the obvious damage was done.  The last time I checked, there were 17
antibiotics with different names using this remedy from hell.  CIPRO is
just a short name to describe Ciprofloxacin.  This deadly antibiotic has at
least one black box warning so the FDA is not unaware of this.

It is loudly trumpeted that it effectively treats anthrax.  OK, maybe it
does but in my opinion it should be banned until anthrax rears its head,
and if it does, surely there are many more things that will work with less
side effects.

They hand this prescription out like it is candy for all manner of things
such as UTI (I drink colloidal silver), and give it to people who have had
surgery for burst tendons, even though one of the many, many side effects
is burst tendons.

And by the way, Prozac is made with fluoride.  I remember when Prozac was
put on the market and 'they' immediately went after L-Tryptophan to force
it off the market. They said, there was some contaminated L-Tryptophan and
this was done for our safety.  One of the most unusual side effects of
Prozac is that it can cause a person to suddenly gamble away their life
savings.  As far as I know, L-Trptophan is safe as can be and is greatly
beneficial for sleep and to relieve stress.  In other words, no side
