People are dying daily from cancer, heart attacks, suicide and many on their 
death certificates the cause is the COVID-19 to keep the numbers inflated and 
instill fear into the masses.
    On Tuesday, July 7, 2020, 07:57:12 PM EDT, Neville Munn 
<> wrote:  
 #yiv8793110567 P {margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0;}From my experience, there 
aren't too many people left on this planet who can think and reason and have a 
modicum of sanity nowadays.  I look at it this way Sandee,  research shows 
there is NO test for this C'rona crap, all they do is like me rummaging through 
my garbage bin to find something I ate last week, so, I sift through all the 
garbage until I find a "REMNANT" of what I ate a week ago, HEY BINGO, I have 
C'rona19, but, for every person on the planet who has had a Flu in the last 
several years, especially the Flu shot, you have the Coronavirus, (not 
C'rona19), in your system anyway, your immune system recognises it, (and THEIR 
test does), but it won't recognise this C'rona19, why, because it was 
'manipulated' in a laboratory, a part of the SARS Coronavirus thing component 
several years back was 'spliced' into the Coronavirus last year so it can 
penetrate human cells.  People are only going by information splashed in the 
Media, and we all know how Media 'manipulates' information to suit an agenda.  
We need the herd immunity, (it's called Evolution), then when/as it mutates, 
like the Coronavirus Flu has done for centuries, the 'herd' will be able to 
recognise it, again, as it has done for centuries.
Yes, people will die, but then plenty die EACH year with the Flu, whats' new.  
Statistically, the figures just don't stack up.  People have to turn their TV's 
off when the News comes on, I do, I can't watch it anymore.  Two strategies 
which have been used since Adam wore short pants - Fear and Emotion - in this 
case FEAR.
If people looked at that paper Arnold put up here a while back they would see a 
diagram showing how silver combats Viruses, this C'rona thing is a VIRUS.  The 
Establishment won't look at silver, why, because we can combat it with our 
little home made product, which cost us next to nothing.  Of course, there are 
two people we all know who fund everything health related on the planet, and 
those two have a "Foundation".  Of course, there is a much, much, much bigger 
picture of which people are not seeing.
All my opinion, and I'm sticking to it. <g>
From: Sandra George <>
Sent: Wednesday, 8 July 2020 1:15 AM
To: <>
Subject: Re: CS>The truth about mask wearing and covid-19 transmission Nev 
thanks for the laugh I miss you all when you do not post !!!!

Peace, love, happiness and good health be yoursSandee 🐬An Attitude of Gratitude 
& Awareness are Everything!!!Life Wave X39 patch -
I buumerang -
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