On Fri, 12 Nov 1999 23:45:56 -0500, "Jeffrey A. Madore" <k...@uconect.net>

>I know that you use HVAC to generate CS. My question is: How do you vary
>the ppm concentration? If I understand correctly, the process is stopped when 
>cone turnes into an arc. I tried this with 10kv and the product was grey with
>obvious fallout.

Actually I do it both ways, lately HVAC.
I don't really concern myself with ppm, I shoot for an effective product.

My criteria is a clear to golden brew with a metallic taste that shows tyndall
without sparklies. Really, simple as that! It's just easier with HV.

My last run with HVAC, I experimented with 10 megs of resistance to limit the
current to less than a milliamp (9kv transformer). It appears that it could run
for days at that current. I stopped it after 8 hrs. 

I would think from your description above, that you ran it a bit too long or
your water was contaminated.
When I first set up, I used tap water to try it out and got what you described.
Don't use a cleaner (soap or detergent) to clean your container! Remember,
you're a guy!!
 Without current limiting, my run would be about 2 hrs max. 

"Time is the best teacher. Unfortunately it kills all its students."

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