John D... a friend of mine..told me a story:

A woman he knows had been using CS daily to address some ongoing issue and
worked in a building with 140 other employees.
 COVID took out 139 of them...EVERYONE, except her.

If you GET COVID 19  and kill it before it becomes serious, do you still
have the antibodies? [That's what vaccinations do and there are many MANY
accidentally vaccinated people  AKA  "survivors" ]
If you use CS and get a vaccination, do you develop antibodies? [Probably

It's very likely that 90% of people who survived COVID 19 never went to a
doctor or even knew they had it.
If an "accidentally immune" person gets the shot, it will do nothing.

Just because you didn't get a shot doesn't mean you are not immune....and
just because you did get a shot doesn't mean your immunity came from it.
I suspect your body may treat the vaccine like a few CCs of water.

On Sun, Dec 13, 2020 at 7:44 AM Shelby <> wrote:

> Well this would be good news. I don’t want to take the vaccine but I am in
> a profession that may be forced. Since I like to pay bills and eat and all
> that other good stuff I am in a situation. However, I carry an epi pen and
> an inhaler. I have had anaphylaxis over the years to several things and
> even some we couldn’t pin point. From the current reports in the UK, I may
> be excused for now from the vaccine. I would think they would issue us some
> sort of vaccine record to prove we have had it. They wouldn’t just take our
> word for it. I wouldn’t mind doing a nasal spray as much if I had to keep
> my job. However, I put CS in a nasal spray bottle when I go out and I put
> it in a nebulizer at home. So far I have been fine. I would like to thing
> the CS has been keeping me healthy because I have gone most place I want to
> and I have had and been to gatherings. I have flown on a plane and taken a
> train half way across the country. I have been dancing a few times and I
> don’t wear a mask unless requested by the store.
> Shelby
> *From:* Douglas Haack <>
> *Sent:* Sunday, November 29, 2020 10:39 PM
> *To:* Silver-List <>
> *Cc:* Kym Borrett <>
> *Subject:* CS>Covid Nasal Spray -- anti-Covid ACTIVE Ingredient --
> similar to CS (Colloid of Silver)
> From:
> *Integrity Research Institute** <
> <>>*
> ...... a great bioenergetics answer to the recent complex discussion
> about vaccines and the question of whether they can prevent the initial
> infection from a coronavirus. Medical researchers at Columbia University
> have come up with the answer in the form of a nasal spray. Specifically, it
> is a intranasal fusion inhibitory lipopeptide that prevents direct contact
> SARS-CoV-2 transmission as reported on bioRiv: *DOI:
> 10.1101/2020.11.04.361154*
> <>
>  Similar
> to colloidal silver spray, it may prevent infection in people exposed to
> the new coronavirus, since it blocks the usual pathway for the virus to
> enter the body. “People who cannot be vaccinated or do not develop immunity
> will particularly benefit from the spray. The antiviral is easily
> administered and, based on the scientists’ experience with other
> respiratory viruses, protection would be immediate and last for at least 24
> hours. The scientists hope to rapidly advance the preventative approach to
> human trials with the goal of containing transmission during this pandemic.”
> Enjoy ...... in SILvation,
> DH in OZ
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