I need some links to defend colloidal silver. I'm in an herbal group that
is fighting it's mention and I have to supply links to get back in the
group to defend it. What's the latest science?

On Thu, Dec 17, 2020 at 5:07 PM Nenah Sylver <nenah12egro...@cox.net> wrote:

> Alan Christianson is a naturopath who has some very good ideas about how
> to heal, alongside some very inaccurate advice as he often cautions his
> audience about the presumed dangers of what are actually very safe and even
> necessary substances. He has a habit of trying to get people to buy his
> books and listen to his podcasts by offering sensationalized headlines.
> His latest newsletter, below, advertises a podcast about Colloidal Silver.
> I don't know Christianson's position about Colloidal Silver and don't have
> the time or patience to listen (I'd rather speed read transcripts of
> podcasts). However, I am passing on this newsletter I just received in case
> someone else would like to listen.
> *From:* Dr. Alan Christianson <supp...@in-goodhealth.com>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 8, 2020 4:36 AM
> *Subject:* Before You Consume Colloidal Silver, Read This.
> Hey there,
> Dr. C here. Many of you have asked about colloidal silver. It has
> apparently made a big comeback in the pandemic era.
> There have been several new studies about it.
> The main questions they have sought to answer have been: 1. Is it safe?
> And #2, is it an effective antimicrobial? If so, against which organisms
> and at which doses?
> In addition to these points, some companies claim that some forms of
> silver are safer than others and more effective.
> Thankfully the science is pretty clear. Please give this episode a good
> listen before using any silver products.
> Click Here for Apple Podcasts
> <https://uo178.infusion-links.com/api/v1/click/5384126824316928/6059988128628736>
> , Google Play
> <https://uo178.infusion-links.com/api/v1/click/5834569438330880/6059988128628736>,
> Spotify
> <https://uo178.infusion-links.com/api/v1/click/6708570050134016/6059988128628736>
> & YouTube.
> <https://uo178.infusion-links.com/api/v1/click/5598041093046272/6059988128628736>
> To your best health,
> Dr. C