Decentralization being an expression of freedom, refers to the lack of a
central exchange, central censorship and central control. Eventually social
media will go this way.


On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 10:26 AM Robert Banever <>

> Sadly, this video has already been deleted by youtube.  Censorship now
> reigns in America.  We might as well be living in communist China now.
> Tragic, simply tragic.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Douglas Haack
> Sent: Dec 27, 2020 7:18 PM
> To:
> Subject: CS>Oz Doc. claims IVERMECTIN triple therapy is 'amazingly
> effective' in treating COVID-19
> Australian Doctor claims IVERMECTIN triple therapy is 'amazingly
> effective' in treating COVID-19
> *..... the only SIDE EFFECT: Headaches maybe !!!..... *
> *Reported by Australian SKY TV*
> *VIDEO: cut and paste*
> *Video <
> <>>*
> *2015 Nobel Prize for medicine -- FOR IVERMECTIN --Covid treatment now has
> A cure and Prophylactic ..... ???
> *Penicillin, Asprin and now IVERMECTIN considered the three most important
> drugs in human history .....    Prof. Satoshi OMURA and William C.
> Campbell, awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize for medicine for their discovery of
> In 1975 a Japanese Professor, Satoshi Omura discovered a microorganism
> called Streptomyces Avermitilisi in a sample of soil found on a golf
> course. During many painstaking years spent isolating and cultivating that
> specific strain, he enlisted the help of William C Campbell in the USA and
> formed a research collaboration of scientists across the world. In 1981,
> the drug IVERMECTIN was born.
> Little did Omura know that Ivermectin would be hailed next to Penicillin
> and Asprin as the three most important drugs in human history, or that he
> and Campbell would be awarded the 2015 Nobel Prize for medicine for their
> discovery of Ivermectin.
> Today, few people have heard of it. Vets and animal lovers may know it as
> a treatment for de-worming livestock. However, 250 million people worldwide
> have taken Ivermectin, mainly the poorest of the poor who suffer from river
> blindness, a debilitating parasitic disease. It is also taken by humans for
> many other parasitic infections including lyme disease and viral infections
> such as malaria and dengue fever. The drug was given away free in many
> developing countries and side-effects are trivial and rare.
> Despite decades of searching, nobody has been able to find another sample
> that matches Omura’s original. Luckily for the world, one sample was enough
> to develop the compound at extremely low cost. It is absolutely safe and is
> currently on the WHO’s list of ‘essential medicines.’ In March and April of
> 2020, doctors began publishing the benefits of Ivermectin for treatment of
> Covid and the NIH immediately responded by recommending it NOT be used
> outside of controlled trials.
> This put the brakes on the treatment, but did not stop it as doctors
> familiar with IVERMECTIN continued to use it as part of their Covid
> treatments. In December 2020 Dr. Pierre Cory pleaded to the US Senate to
> have it recommended as a treatment and prevention for covid. He presents a
> mountain of data from 4000 patients showing that it's cheap, it's available
> and it works ....
> This is an emotional eight minutes of live testimony to watch Video: Dr
> Pierre Cory or Kory before the US Senate
> *Cut and paste:<
> <>>*
> Today, open source communities are lobbying the powers that be to make
> Ivermectin freely available for worldwide use. In some countries, like
> India, it already is. In one region in Paraguay, the governor gave it the
> people under the guise of “a de-worming program” and covid numbers
> massively reduced. 40 published medical trials (16 peer reviewed) are
> available and many more studies are underway.
> Sadly, the NIH still maintains its recommendation that it should not be
> used outside of clinical trials. Millions of the world's poorest have used
> it sucessfully .... this does make you think!!
> *Cut and
> paste:<
> <>>*
> Peer reviewed trials of Ivermectin
> *Cut and
> paste:<
> <>>*
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