Hi Patricia,

I have zero fear of covid anything but once had a WIGA (so many the doctors
called them Whatever Is Going Around), and after that vicious one, seemed
to have immunity to them all.  I have no hydroxychloroquine but do have
colloidal silver, which was supposedly being tested by the fda for Ebola.
They shut that one down so quick!

I'm rather curious as to why Ivermectin works.  It was originally developed
for humans and a river parasite.  Does that mean it kills many parasites,
such as covid?  They used to warn you not to get it on your skin but not
sure why.

If I only could have one of the three, my pick would be colloidal silver.


On Mon, Feb 8, 2021 at 12:04 PM pc <pcassidy1...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Do any of you have an opinion on taking hydroxychloroquine as a
> preventative for Covid ?  or Ivermectin ?  is one better than the other ?
> I keep reading conflicting info... seems like early on we were getting
> incorrect reports.  Should we take anything other than silver... I dunno..
> In my area - there is a lot of Covid.  I'm only out to Sprouts.  Everything
> else is pick up or delivery.  You just never know who is a carrier.
> *Patricia *