Cyndiann is a troll, if there was a ignore button, no one would have to see her 
post again.
From: Nenah Sylver <>
Sent: Saturday, February 20, 2021 4:44 PM
To: <>
Subject: RE: CS>SOLUTION to trolls: Join the New Group

PT wrote: Actually, all Cyndiann is doing is exercising her right to free 
speech.  It is guaranteed by the Constitution!  And you want to throw her out 
just because of that???? . . . what you describe is the same as a totalitarian 
state... 'Think like we do or we'll throw you out!'  Really? Thank goodness 
there are also saner people on this list!



There's a huge difference between expressing an opinion and denigrating others 
because of *their* opinions.

There's a way to express an opinion with respect without resorting to name 
calling (as when you called me, by inference, "not as sane as other people").

If someone comes into my home and hurls insults and negativity, I ask them to 
leave. It's very simple.

Nenah Sylver, PhD

author, The Rife Handbook

of Frequency Therapy and Holistic Health, 5th Edition<>

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