Any proof at all to show what that book you posted has any validity at all?

Yeah, I didn't think so.

Fauci already got jabbed long ago, there was a video of it. So there is

On Sun, May 9, 2021 at 10:00 PM Rick <> wrote:

>    - "Natural News is not a reputable source of information. Take into
>    consideration that Mike Adams posted multiple conspiracies on Facebook and
>    lost his account because of that.Why would you post  something from a
>    looney tune?"
> What people are failing miserably to see is that lies are being told to us
> as if they are the truth. In other words Authority As Truth, rather than
> the Truth As Authority. There are people out there quoting directly from
> the independent medical studies, directly from government studies, medical
> texts, and well-known papers that most doctors keep in archives or in their
> library in the office as their resources of information. They are being
> censored for quoting directly from these sources that the medical community
> finds most useful and things they've long known about.
> WHY!!!???
> Because it is the truth. It holds the years of proof that what they
> discovered is the TRUTH! What FaceBook, Google, and the mass media is doing
> is to try and censor anyone who attempts to give the public the truth which
> of course goes against the propaganda they have been selling you. And it is
> working! Too well actually! To the benefit of those who don't want you to
> know the truth. They call the TRUTHs (Misinformation) it is everywhere on
> the mass media news. They friggin fooled you! Fooled you into getting
> vaccinated with this concoction which has no safety efficacy yet (time will
> tell). It has never been licensed and thus truly can not lawfully be called
> a vaccine. It is being put out there under Emergency Use guidelines.
> It is the quickest way to get the rich countries to give their masses this
> unknown (to them and to you) drug which they claim will do away with all
> these people dying from what they claim is Covid-19. Thanks to the PCR test
> which they were warned not to use in the way they are using it to create
> and inflate the numbers of what they claim are infected people. The same
> thing was done during the so-called Aids Epidemic and the creator of the
> PCR test warned Fauci directly, NOT to use the test in the manner that they
> were using it. Because it gave incorrect numbers of infected! Back then
> Fauci was targeting the gay communities and black population. Now his
> target is much larger! HIV does NOT cause Aids!
> Do you think Fauci and Gates are going to actually take the vaccine? Or do
> you think that they took the vaccine? What they have or are going to take
> is simply saline along with a Digital I.D. so that when they get scanned in
> the future, they can claim "See! I'm got the vaccine!"
> Please, anyone on this CS listserve, be smart, do your due diligence and
> research, a whole lot, and stay away from the mainstream news, and those
> who have an interest in the vaccine for the wrong reasons. It is not to
> protect you. IN fact, Bill Gates as the primary funder now of the W.H.O.
> refuses to let poor countries have the information for creating these
> vaccines along with some of the raw materials. Why? Bill Gates says that
> rich countries if they care about the poor countries should buy the vaccine
> for the poor countries! Why? Need you to want that answer from me? For
> PROFITS...duh!
> Otherwise, why wouldn't we want to get the vaccine out to everyone
> immediately right now in a continual supply chain as it is produced? They
> say that it will stop the deaths, the outbreaks, the lockdowns, right? Why
> don't they get it out there to the world and work out who pays what later?
> Duh! Gates doesn't want to wait ten years give or take for that to be
> worked out. He has already made an educated guess that the Billion people
> who already have the vaccine will begin to stop the population growth.
> Enough to make him happy! And they will not say these injuries and side
> effects were caused by the vaccine. They won't discuss it or in the very
> least will come up with some cockamamie story. Or ignore the questions
> altogether.
> Counseling couples & individuals on relationship communications, the law
> of attraction, and the power of positive thinking. An advocate for positive
> business improvement through human resources. An active supporter of the
> American Society For Quality.  Knowledge is powerful, and ignorance is
> dangerous, especially where those in power calling the shots want to take
> away your freedoms and keep you in the dark, so that they can better
> control you.
> On Sun, May 9, 2021 at 7:38 PM Cyndiann Phillips <>
> wrote:
>> Natural News is not a reputable source of information. Take into
>> consideration that Mike Adams posted multiple conspiracies on Facebook and
>> lost his account because of that.Why would you post  something from a
>> looney tune?
>> On Sat, May 8, 2021 at 6:32 PM Gmail <> wrote:
>>> How many times can you be lied to, if you don’t know the truth? L. Zang