Hi listers, In "Prescription for Nutritional Healing", James F. Balch, Md. and Phyllis A. Balch, C.N.C.
I found Colloidal Silver listed as a treatment form/supplement for: Acne, Aids, Athlete's foot, Bed Sores, Boil, Bronchitis, Burns, Cold Sores Impetigo Leg Ulcers Pneumonia, Sexually Transmittede Diseases (STD), Spder Bites, Sunburn, Tonsillitis, Tuberculosis, Vaginitis. "use as instructed" were the by-lines. :-) My husband has been using it topically for Foot Fungus/Athlet's Foot and it is working "wonders". He is using it in a spritz bottle to help his sinus und he squirts his throat and nose. Thanks to whomever wrote that to me privately and also to those who have mentioned it on the list. Greetings, H.B. __________________________________________________ Do You Yahoo!? Bid and sell for free at http://auctions.yahoo.com -- The silver-list is a moderated forum for discussion of colloidal silver. To join or quit silver-list or silver-digest send an e-mail message to: silver-list-requ...@eskimo.com -or- silver-digest-requ...@eskimo.com with the word subscribe or unsubscribe in the SUBJECT line. To post, address your message to: silver-list@eskimo.com Silver-list archive: http://escribe.com/health/thesilverlist/index.html List maintainer: Mike Devour <mdev...@id.net>